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Shoulder Pain NO MORE

If you've suffered a minor shoulder injury, whether that's a rotator cuff strain, rotator cuff tear, tendonitis, impingement, bursitis, freezing or frozen shoulder or general muscular pain in the shoulder, then 'Shoulder Pain NO MORE' can help you treat and stop your pain.

The primary goal of the eBook is to relieve your pain as fast as possible. All you've got to do is read it, and put it into practice by following the step-by-step process that has been tested and proven successful over and over again.

Why You Are Suffering From Shoulder Pain, and How to Cure It

Here's what Joe Brent have to say, he's the Creator of Shoulder Pain NoMore. Shoulder pain comes for many different reasons, but why ever it happens, you can always beat it, like I beat mine. I used to suffer from shoulder pain because of a torn rotator cuff, but I overcame it with some special techniques which I'll share with you in a moment. But first, let's go over a few reasons why your shoulder might hurt:

  • Rotator cuff strains or tears
  • Muscle imbalances between your shoulder, back and chest
  • Impingement
  • Freezing or frozen shoulder
  • Tendonitis (or tendinitis) of the shoulder or bicep
  • Bursitis or capsulitis
  • Poor posture

All these causes of shoulder pain can gradually develop, or can happen as a result of trauma (such as an injury suffered through sports or weight training in the gym). So now you know why your shoulder is in pain, what can you do about it? Luckily, all these conditions can be treated with a few simple physiotherapy techniques. If that sounds complex, it's not! All that means is a few stretches and exercises, performed in the comfort at your own home.

I tried going to the doctor, but all he did was prescribe me rest and anti-inflammatory drugs. That worked OKAY for a while, but as soon as I stopped taking the drugs, the shoulder pain came right back. I knew I needed something better, so I began to research physiotherapy for shoulder pain treatments. The new techniques I uncovered actually worked very well for me. Within a few weeks I had recovered completely, and now I'm back to normal.

Stretches are excellent because they loosen the shoulder, improve flexibility and mobility, keep the joint supple and reduce pain. Exercises are good because they strengthen the shoulder's inner muscles and tendons, stimulate healing and repair damaged tissues, finally resolving shoulder pain.

When combined, these physiotherapy techniques can resolve the huge majority of shoulder pain causing conditions, without turning to surgery or expensive electronic gadgets. I wrote a book about my experiences with home physiotherapy (which completely cured my shoulder pain), and included all the special stretches and exercises I uncovered during extensive research.

Fully Medically Approved And Doctor Recommended

'Shoulder Pain NO MORE' is officially doctor recommended. I saught out a professional Orthopaedic Doctor to read through the guide and make sure the contents were safe, accurate and up to date with the latest techniques being practised in medicine and physiotherapy.

After thoroughly reviewing the material in the book, Dr Goddard gave it a stamp of approval and officially endorsed it for use with minor shoulder injuries (note, the word "minor" is used because obviously if you require surgery, you can't perform that yourself!).

These Simple Techniques Are Fully Medically Approved And Doctor Recommended. The information you're receiving is up to date, accurate, and safe. The advice you're getting is the same advice that the professionals give to their high paying personal clients.

The key to a successful recovery is knowing which stretches and exercises to perform, what each one does, why it's beneficial, which muscles it targets and in what order you should perform these exercises.

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